Example Gallery

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title testing
image variation
seo keywords
landing page
book cover
consumer survey

Overview of Ninjafeedback

Ninjafeedback is a conversion optimization and consumer survey tool. You can use the tool to refine your marketing ideas and digital artifacts. You can create purpose-built surveys and user tests. This page lists the example use cases.

Video overview of the tool is located at the end of this page.

Amazon Listing Title & Image

Amazon marketplace continues to get competitive. The title of your listing has a significant impact on conversion. There is, however, a tradeoff between a title that “speaks” to your audience and its keyword ranking.

Shopify Landing Page- Title & Product Image

Most Shopify sellers are looking for ROI on that marketing spend. What not optimize your landing page with real American consumer insights?

Email Subject Line

There are hundreds of email in Inbox. Craft an interesting subject line so users can click on it.

Tagline Test

Your business tagline is one of the most important ads. Is your tagline memorable and focused on customer benefits? Does it allow customers to remember your name?

Podcast Name

Podcasts are growing in popularity. This comes with increased competition in podcast directories such as Spotify and Apple podcasts.

Domain Name

Should you select .com or .io extension. Is your domain memorable? Is your brandable or generic? Test these comments and get feedback from consumers.

Google Keywords

How do users search for your product on Google. Give them the problem and see the actual data with real keywords typed.

Amazon Keywords

Difference between Page 1 & Page 2 ranking on Amazon can mean the difference of thousands of dollars in revenue. With persistence, great products and a little bit of keyword magic, it is possible to get that coveted Page 1 ranking. Find out with this example.

Etsy Keywords

As Etsy gets “discovered” by more consumers, the keyword ranking difficulty continues to go up. Get a headstart on your competition with crowdsourced keyword ideas.

Video A/B Tests

As Etsy gets “discovered” by more consumers, the keyword ranking difficulty continues to go up. Get a headstart on your competition with crowdsourced keyword ideas.

Landing Page Test

You have designed a great landing page but conversions remain low. Is is the copy, the buttons, or the layout? Test the different combinations and see what actually works?

Book Cover

People say “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. But they still do. A book cover is the first impression of your book. With this user test, find which variation of the book cover or title will resonate with the readers.

Consumer Survey

From cat picture to political surveys ask consumers about their preferences, behavior, buying patterns or just about anything. Here is one example that shows book buying preferences.

Video Overview of NinjaFeedback